Latest Issue
Windtech International September October 2024 issue






The Front Cover

A full-size prototype of the FLIDAR has been successfully tested 15 kilometres off the Belgian coast. This is the first successful trial of a floating lidar device in real offshore conditions in the North Sea. Designed to withstand significant wave heights of over 6 metres, the FLIDAR system was tested in wind speeds up to 25m/s and proved highly accurate, with an r2 of over 0.99 when compared to reference lidar data.

Publisher's Note


Floating Lidar Wind Measurement
By Bruce Douglas, Sales & Marketing Director, 3E, Belgium

Consumer Labelling for Small Wind Turbines
By Sven Ruin, TEROC AB, Sweden, and Jonathan Whale, Murdoch University, Australia

The 20 kW Ecowhisper Wind Turbine
By Stephen Thomas, Chief Technical Officer, RESA, Australia

Notes on Converting Offshore Wind into Electricity
By Jos Beurskens (ECN), The Netherlands
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