Latest Issue
Windtech International September October 2024 issue






The Front Cover

In this issue we have several articles stressing that new development is necessary for growth. Lueder von Bremen (page 6) writes that the central insight is that wind, solar, pan-European transmission and storage form an interdependent system. This system has to be optimised according to the specific costs of each of these technologies. Like other industry leaders he argues for a European Supergrid. The image shows the annual average wind speed (metres/second) in Europe in 2007 at 90 metres height.

Publisher's Note


Supergrid and Storage Boost Solar and Wind
By Lueder von Bremen, ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, University of Oldenburg, Germany. Co-authors: Jens Tambke, Jan De Decker and Kurt Rohrig

The DANAERO MW Experiment
By Christian Bak (Senior Scientist) and Helge A. Madsen (Research Specialist), Risø DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark

Multibody Simulations and Measurements of Wind Turbine Gearboxes

By Ben Marrant, Frederik Vanhollebeke and Joris Peeters, Hansen Transmissions, Belgium

Mean Time Between Faults
By Craig Christenson, Vice President of Engineering, Clipper Windpower, USA


WWEA Page July August 2010
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