- Category: Book Review
Wind Energy for the Rest of Us is Paul Gipe’s latest book about wind energy. He has been following the wind industry since the 1970s, which makes him one of the most knowledgeable persons in our industry. The first edition of this book, then called Wind Energy, How to Use it, was published in 1983. Over the years he has been updating the book with the latest technological developments and views on the industry and it has been republished several times. This fourth edition of the book is one of the most comprehensive guides about wind energy available on the market.
By Floris Siteur, Windtech International
- Category: Book Review
The Rise of Modern Wind Energy and International Reviews and Developments
A long time ago one of my teachers told me: 'don't look at the past, look at the future'. But experience has taught me that sometimes it's a good idea to look back before thinking about the future. Over the last 40 years wind energy has grown from being a minor niche industry to a major player in energy supply, so perhaps it is an appropriate moment to look at the industry's history, especially while some of the pioneers are still here to tell the story.
By Frits Ogg, Renewable Energy Consultant, the Netherlands
- Category: Book Review
In 1991 the first wind turbines to be placed in the sea were installed off the coast of Denmark. Since then development has continued steadily and a great deal has been learned, both through research and by experimentation. 'Offshore Wind' describes the technologies and development of this type of wind energy in general, paying special attention to the industry off the west coast of Europe.
By Frits Ogg, Renewable Energy Consultant, the Netherlands
- Category: Book Review
100 Per Cent Renewable: Energy Autonomy in Action
Edited by Peter Droege, published 5 April 2012 by Routledge. Paperback: US$39.95/£24.99. ISBN: 978-1-84971-471-6
100 Per Cent Renewable is full of information and ideas detailing the efforts of a number of pioneers in their attempts to reach a 100% sustainable energy supply. It has to be said, however, for the benefit of readers of this magazine, that this book does not have a chapter devoted specifically to wind energy. The book was edited and co-written by Peter Droege, and features 27 expert authors (including Hermann Scheer). The subjects of the chapters range from initiatives by individuals to visions for companies, communities and entire countries. The collection triumphantly presents ideas that overcome the old tired economic and technical counter-arguments, showing how the schemes featured not only can and do work, but do so economically and with technology already available.
- Category: Book Review
‘Wind Energy: Technology and Planning’
With its website and CD-ROM ‘Wind Energy: Technology and Planning’ the World Wind Energy Association offers information on all the different technical aspects of modern large and small-scale wind energy utilisation. The aim of the website and CD-ROM is the worldwide spread of know-how about wind energy. The website is aimed at anybody who is interested in wind energy. It focuses especially on students and learners, and the administrative staff of companies and associations who want to keep themselves informed and to expand their knowledge of the subject.
By Hans Hof, Contributing Editor, Windtech International
- Category: Book Review

By Hans Hof, Contributing Editor, Windtech International