Acciona has reported €103 million in net profit in the first half of 2015, a 50.6% increase with respect to the same period of 2014, basically as a result of growth in international markets by the power generation business and wind turbine manufacturer Acciona Windpower (AWP).
Ordinary earnings before taxes (EBT) increased by 183% to €153 million, from €54 million the previous year, due mainly to a €102 million increase in EBT in the Energy division. EBITDA increased by 21.4% to €573 million, broadly as a result of growth by the Energy division (+29.9%), driven by the international business and Acciona Windpower. EBITDA in power generation increased by 9.4% (to €445 million) due to the increase in international installed capacity, a slightly higher load factor and the positive effect of the dollar's appreciation, while AWP reported €45 million in EBITDA, contrasting with a loss of €5 million in the same period last year. Group consolidated revenues increased by 9.9% to €3,304 million, driven basically by a 48.9% increase in revenues in the Energy division, which offset the decline in business volume in Construction, Agua and Other Activities.