DONG Energy’s operating profit (EBITDA) for H1 2016 increased by 19% to DKK 12.4 billion. Underlying profit, adjusted for one-off items, increased by 34%, driven by a 68% rise in wind power.
The strong growth in wind power was partially offset by the impact of lower gas, oil and power prices. Net profit for the period was DKK 6.4 billion, up DKK 3.6 billion on H1 2015. In June, the company decided to invest in the German offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 2, and in July they were awarded the right to build the Dutch offshore wind farms Borssele 1 and 2. EBITDA (Business Performance) is expected to amount to DKK 20-23 billion in 2016 and gross investments for 2016 are expected to amount to DKK 18-21 billion.