E.ON has bought a stake in b.ventus, a startup whose single-source solution enables business customers to begin producing their own wind power quickly and easily. The centerpiece is a wind turbine specifically designed for this role. With a hub height of at least 30 meters, the turbine can be installed quickly and does not require a lengthy permitting process.
It can also be integrated with a customer’s existing embedded generation facilities, such as a cogeneration unit or solar array. E.ON made the investment as part of :agile, its accelerator and incubator to support energy-related startups. b.ventus handles everything for its customers, from installation to operations. Permitting, which is not subject to Germany’s regional planning process or the Federal Immission Control Act, only takes a few months. b.ventus will maintain and, if necessary, repair the turbine. The company guarantees 95 per cent availability. Ideally, a customer’s investment in the turbine will pay for itself in just six years.