Another site has been announced for MidAmerican Energy Company’s 2006-2007 wind expansion project.
Construction of a 123MW wind facility in Pocahontas County in northwest Iowa is expected to begin later this year and is scheduled to be completed prior to the end of 2007. In April 2006, MidAmerican announced a 99MW wind project in Crawford and Carroll counties in west central Iowa following Iowa Utilities Board approval of the company’s plan to build up to 545MW of new wind-powered electric generation in Iowa before the end of 2007. The 123MW wind facility site in Pocahontas County will be developed and constructed by enXco Development Corporation and will utilize 82 GE Energy 1.5MW wind turbines. Invenergy Wind Development Iowa LLC is constructing the 99-megawatt wind facility in Carroll and Crawford counties that will utilize 66 GE Energy 1.5MW wind turbines.