Scada International releases more than 350 new tag-names and data points to continue providing uniformity within the wind industry, regardless of wind turbine types, models and brands. A total of 1760 tags are now available for the industry to enable interoperability across systems and to promote the creation of a knowledge exchanging environment within renewables.
Data access is subjected to the existing variety of proprietary protocols and data sets. Openness to data augments the data analytics’ relevance and, as in many other industries, decision-making based on data becomes crucial to achieve cost reduction.
By accommodating different data point names (tags) across the industry, the Global Wind Data Tag-List normalises data exchange and analysis, having as a foundation the IEC 61400-25 standard. Thus, the tag list enables interoperability across systems by transforming various data into one standard data set, ensuring adaptability and data cohesion.
The Global Wind Data Tag-List was created and made available by Scada International. The Global Wind Data Tag-List is a streamlined and uniform naming convention based on the IEC 61400-25 standard for wind turbines.