Senvion generated total revenues of € 1,926 million in the FY2014/15 (1/4/2014 – 31/3/2015), 6.6% growth versus the previous year.
Total performance increased from € 1,845 million in FY2013/14 to € 1,999 million in FY2014/15, an 8.3% increase year on year. Adjusted EBITDA for FY2014/15 was € 155 million, an increase of 6.2% from the € 146 million adjusted EBITDA in FY2013/14. During the year Senvion delivered and erected a total of 683 wind turbines in 12 countries, with a total rated output of over 1.8GW compared to 1.5GW in the previous year, an increase of 24%. New orders received during FY2014/15 amounted to € 1.6 billion.