The World Wind Energy Association held on the occasion of the 4th World Wind Energy Conference in Melbourne (Australia) its General Assembly on 1 November 2005.
During the General Elections to the WWEA Board, Dr Anil Kane, Chairman of the Indian Wind Energy Association InWEA and since 2003 Vice President of WWEA, was elected unanimously as new President of the World Wind Energy Association. Former President Dr Preben Maegaard was appointed as President Emeritus.
As WWEA Vice Presidents were elected:
o Grigori Dmitriev, Kola Science Center, Russia
o Prof Everaldo Feitosa, Director of the Brazil Wind Energy Center
o Prof He Dexin, Chairman Chinese Wind Energy Association
o Hermann Oelsner, President African Wind Energy Association, South Africa
o Prof Galal Osman, President Egypt Wind Energy Association
o The Hon Peter Rae AO, Chairman Renewable Energy Generators Australia
o Prof Erico Spinadel, Argentine Wind Energy Association AAEE
o Ass Prof Tanay Sidki Uyar, Eurosolar Turkey/Turkish Wind Energy Association
o Heinrich Bartelt (German Wind Energy Association BWE) was elected as WWEA Treasurer.
The newly elected WWEA Board appointed the Hon Peter Rae AO as Senior Vice President, in charge of international strategies and policies.