In January 2020, will again offer free product training for customers from the service market of the wind industry together with its supply partner 3M Deutschland. The product training will take place on 24 January 2020 at the 3M Fall Protection Training Center in Hamburg, Germany and is aimed at all service companies involved in the maintenance and repair of wind turbines and rotor blades.
The training consists of three different modules. Customers have the opportunity to get to know the new 3M Erosion Protection Tape 2.0 W8750 / W8780. The participants learn the correct application practically on a blade model and receive a certificate of participation as proof of training. In the second training module 3M presents the Acrylic Foam Tape, which can be used for the attachment of aerodynamic attachments such as vortex generators. In the third and last module the participants get to know the 3M Peltor communication headset and learn where it can be used in wind energy. The training will be offered in German and English.