The list of speakers includes European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol, the Energy Ministers of Germany, UK, Denmark, Poland and Belgium as well as CEOs from leading industry players, such as Tennet, BASF, RWE Renewables, MHI Vestas or Vattenfall.
WindTV comes in two streams: a paid and an open stream. Once played on the day, it will be available on-demand. WindTV will cover a wide range of topics, from the development of global wind markets and challenges related to permitting procedures and community engagement, to hydrogen from wind power, to technologies, digitalisation, electrification and system integration. The days have specific themes with Day 2 focusing on technology, Day 3 on offshore wind and Day 4 on Europe’s wind energy supply chain.
WindTV is produced jointly by WindEurope, GWEC and Hamburg Messe und Congress.