Feed-in Tariff and Other Incentives to Develop Wind Farms in Ukraine
Even though the wind energy sector started developing in Ukraine several decades ago, it was only in 2011 that the first privately owned wind farms were commissioned in the country. It should be noted that in 2011 the combined power capacity of all the wind farms in Ukraine increased by 73% (65.5MW of commissioned capacity). (The figures given here and in the rest of the article are according to the calculations of the Ukraine Wind Association.) The total capacity of wind farms in Ukraine in 2011 was 151MW. In 2012 the power capacity of all wind farms reached 276.76MW (small wind installations – 14.5MW). In other words, the power capacity had increased by 125.66MW and the number of commissioned wind power units had doubled when compared to 2011.
By Maksym Sysoiev, Counsel, Attorney-at-Law, Marchenko Danevych, Kiev, Ukraine

By Maksym Sysoiev, Counsel, Attorney-at-Law, Marchenko Danevych, Kiev, Ukraine