A Novel Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Concept
The new European targets for wind energy give a strategic role to offshore wind energy. Over the next ten years, offshore power installation is expected to grow by 28% each year (EWEA report 2009). These high expectations require a large reduction in costs and the exploitation of sites not yet suitable for offshore wind technology. It will not be possible to produce offshore wind energy by just moving current onshore wind energy technology out into shallow waters.
By L. Vita, U.S. Paulsen, T.F. Pedersen, H.A. Madsen and F. Rasmussen, Risø DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

By L. Vita, U.S. Paulsen, T.F. Pedersen, H.A. Madsen and F. Rasmussen, Risø DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark