The New Aeroelastic Code HAWC2
The article describes work to investigate the effects on tower dynamics when mounting a turbine on a monopile foundation offshore compared to a similar onshore installation. Changes in frequency, mode shapes and damping were investigated, including effects of hydrodynamics and non-linear soil properties. The tool used for the investigation is the new aeroelastic code HAWC2, which is based on a multibody formulation. This formulation is very general, which means that it can handle any structural object (body) as well as large rotations between the bodies and their associated non-linear effects. Thus, for example, complex foundation types such as very flexible monopile foundations, tripod structures and even floating support structures can be simulated in the code.
By Torben J. Larsen, Helge A. Madsen and Kenneth Thomsen, Risø, National Laboratory Denmark