The Carbon Trust has announced the launch of Stage 2 of the Offshore Renewable Joint Industry Project (ORJIP) for Offshore Wind. The programme aims to reduce consenting risk, project maturation time, cost and the environmental impact of existing and future offshore wind farms.
Over the next four years ORJIP Offshore Wind Stage 2 will provide a framework to identify, develop, initiate and conduct impactful, strategic research and development projects. The activities will build on the existing evidence base in respect of the overall environmental impact of offshore wind projects. This will also help to better inform consenting authorities and offshore wind farm developers on the environmental risk that is associated with planned and existing offshore wind projects. The programme is funded by public and private partners including EDF Renewables, EDP Renewables, E.ON, Equinor, Innogy, Marine Scotland, Red Rock Power Limited, Shell, SSE Renewables, The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland.