Six fixed offshore wind projects in the UK have been given the green light by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to enter into an Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate.
In April, following the completion of a Habitats Regulations Assessment The Crown Estate gave notice to the UK and Welsh Governments of its intent to proceed with the Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 plan on the basis of a ‘derogation’. The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has now provided agreement that The Crown Estate can proceed with the plan, and the Welsh Government has not raised any objections to the notice.
The selected six projects are located in the waters around England and Wales. RWE Renewables, the Green Investment Group – TotalEnergies, Offshore Wind Limited and a consortium of EnBW and bp were the successful bidders. The Crown Estate will now engage with the preferred bidders to confirm the next steps. The selected projects are expected to start production by 2030.