Energiekontor has teamed up with Omega-Tools and BASF’s Coatings division to gradually equip its wind turbines with Novaflex BladeUp. Novaflex BladeUp is a film with a microscopic line structures. The riblets reduce the formation of unfavourable air turbulence on the surface of the blades, so that a larger proportion of the wind can be used for generating electricity.
In a measurement campaign that has been running for about a year, an increase of up to three percent in power output was determined. The BASF Novaflex BladeUp was installed on a 1.3MW SWT 1,300 turbine in Ilsede, Lower Saxony, Germany. Energiekontor has awarded Omega-Tools a first contract to equip wind turbines of the tested type with BASF’s film and intends to include further turbine types. In the long term, Energiekontor wants to equip all available turbines – their own and those managed by their company – with Novaflex BladeUp.