Infinis has announced the adoption of wind lidars from ZephIR Lidar as an alternative to traditional met masts to be deployed on a number of new sites within Infinis’ growing wind energy portfolio.
Additionally we will deploy a second ZephIR Lidar during the first years of operation on all new sites to confirm individual turbine power curves, check turbine alignment and work with turbine suppliers to review and optimise any curtailment strategies in line with measured real world data. In the coming years we will deploy ZephIR Lidar to build a clear picture of wind flow and turbine performance across all our assets. This Infinis ‘model’ will incorporate two wind lidars: a static lidar for traditional wind measurements, curtailment claims, and resource assessments; and a mobile lidar to be deployed flexibly across the site as required, either ground-based or turbine-mounted, to identify operational improvement opportunities.