Vestas has introduced its newest product within the Active Output Management (AOM) series, AOM 5000, a new service product that optimises wind power plant output and minimizes customer risk.
AOM 5000 introduces an energy-based guarantee, which ensures the turbines are fully operational when the wind is blowing. AOM 5000 will be available for all markets where Vestas operates, as a new service package or an upgrade of an existing AOM service package. The implementation of this service offering will vary depending on specific project conditions and site locations.
AOM 5000 introduces an energy-based guarantee, which ensures the turbines are fully operational when the wind is blowing. AOM 5000 will be available for all markets where Vestas operates, as a new service package or an upgrade of an existing AOM service package. The implementation of this service offering will vary depending on specific project conditions and site locations.