ABB has commissioned and handed over the DolWin1 offshore wind grid connection to the Dutch-German transmission system operator TenneT.
The 800MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link connects offshore wind farms around 75 kilometres off the German coast in the DolWin cluster, with the country’s transmission grid. ABB deployed its Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology, called HVDC Light, for the project and was responsible for the design, engineering supply and installation of the offshore and onshore converter stations, as well as the submarine and underground cable systems. The wind farm Borkum West II and the wind farm Borkum Riffgrund I are connected via submarine cables to DolWin alpha, the offshore converter station. Here the alternating current from the wind farms is converted into direct current before being transmitted at a voltage of +/- 320 kilovolts (kV) via 165 kilometers of extruded DC submarine and underground cables to the grid connection point at the Dörpen West substation in Heede, northern Germany.