The WindEEE Research Institute has confirmed the successful installation of a short-range 3D WindScanner, based on the ZephIR Continuous Wave Lidar technology, and supplied by the Wind Energy Department of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) to study turbulence effects for wind turbines, buildings and structures.
The Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE) Dome is the world’s first hexagonal wind tunnel. Its large scale structure (25 meters diameter for the inner dome and 40 meters diameter for the outer return dome) allows for wind simulations over extended areas and complex terrain. WindEEE allows for the manipulation of inflow and boundary conditions to reproduce, at large scales and under controlled conditions, the dynamics of real wind systems. By manipulating the outflow and direction of these fans the facility is capable of producing time-dependent, straight, sheared or swirl winds of variable directionality. Therefore a large variety of wind fields such as boundary layers, portions of hurricanes, tornados, downbursts, low level currents or gust fronts can be physically simulated. WindScanner’s remote sensing wind measurement methodology with integrated syncronized 3-axis beam steering and scanning systems, provide detailed full-scale real atmospheric wind and turbulence measurements.