Since May 2021, CSA’s R/V Dolphin and crew of expert marine surveyors has conducted over 10,000 hours of fieldwork along a critical export cable route. R/V Dolphinis a 15-metre turnkey multipurpose vessel ported at CSA’s regional office in East Greenwich, RI, USA. The R/V Dolphin is equipped with a dual head multibeam echosounder, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, gradiometer, single-channel seismic, sound velocity profiler, and underwater position systems.
CSA is also conducting benthic surveys in collaboration with MMT US, which includes the collection and scientific analysis of benthic grab samples, the capture of real-time video of the seafloor, and sediment profile imaging. These data will help to characterize the benthic habitats along the export cable route and within the lease area.
In addition to the geophysical and benthic survey campaigns, CSA will support the collection of geotechnical data following the completion of the benthic campaign.