Catch the Wind Ltd. has released the final results of its trial program with Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). The results demonstrated that Catch the Wind’s Vindicator Laser Wind Sensor (LWS) increased the energy output of a turbine by an average of 12.3 pe rcent as a result of better alignment with oncoming wind and increased gust detection.
The increased energy output was achieved while the Vindicator LWS
controlled the turbine for only 56 pe rcent of the time as specified by
the parameters of the 30-day trial. Excluding statistically
insufficient measurement data, the Vindicator LWS improved energy
output by more than 18 per cent. A technical report, which details the
results of the field trial, and an economic valuation model, in which
the financial return of the Vindicator LWS is calculated, can be found