Gamesa Eólica has subscribed two contracts with the Irish companies Mukdar Limited, Gaoithe Glas Teoranta and Kilvinane, for the delivery of 13 wind turbines in Ireland.
The first agreement, subscribed with Mukdar Limited and Gaoithe Glas Teoranta, includes the supply of ten G58-850kW wind turbines, with an overall output of 8.5MW. They are to be installed at the Mukdar and Gaoithe Glas wind farms, located in Kealkill, in County Cork. The contract, amounting to a value approaching € 8 million, includes the delivery of the wind turbines, and their installation and subsequent commissioning, as well as their maintenance. Gamesa Energía Servicios will be responsible for the site’s electrical installation. The second contract, subscribed with the company Kilvinane, involves the installation of a total output of 5MW and includes the delivery of one G58-850kW wind turbine and two of its G80-2.0MW models, which are to be deployed at the Kilvinane wind farm, in Dunmanway, also in County Cork. The agreement, valued at close to € 5 million, is on a turnkey basis and involves cooperation between Gamesa Eólica and Gamesa Energía Servicios. The beginning of assembly work on these two wind farms is scheduled to take place in the first six months of 2006.