Ray Castelli, President of NaiKun Wind Development Inc. recently announced that NaiKun has engaged Sandwell Engineering Inc. with support from Elsam Engineering A/S to provide project support for the electrical engineering of the NaiKun Wind Farm.
When fully operational, the 1,750MW offshore NaiKun Wind Farm, located in the waters of Hecate Strait between Haida G’waii (the Queen Charlotte Islands) and Prince Rupert on the British Columbia mainland will be one of the world’s largest offshore wind farm developments. Sandwell’s involvement to date has seen the successful deployment of wave and current measuring equipment in Hecate Strait. In 2007, activity will include implementation of a seabed survey and a geotechnical program for the wind farm site and the submarine cable route. This will be followed by the preparation of preliminary engineering, procurement planning, and cost estimates to prepare NaiKun for full project implementation.