Renewable Energy Systems Americas, Inc.
(RES-Americas) has announced the company has been awarded the construction
rights to five utility scale wind projects with a total capacity of 954MW.
projects will be located in the Canadian province of Québec and
output will be sold to Hydro Québec Distribution. The project will be managed
by RES Canada, an affiliate of RES-Americas. RES-Americas participated in the
tender process as a member of the St-Laurent Énergies consortium, also
comprised of EDF Energies Nouvelles, and Hydromega Services Inc. Each of the
partners has a fractional ownership role in the project: EDF Energies Nouvelles
(60%), RES-Americas (20%), and Hydromega Services Inc. (20%).?The
development will be equipped with Repower 2MW turbines. The anticipated
in-service dates for the project range from December 2011 through December
2015. Once completed, the development will represent a total investment
exceeding US$ 2 billion.