Securing Our Future
The biggest ever renewable energy conference and exhibition in the UK, organised by the British Wind Energy Association, was held at the SECC in Glasgow from 10 to 12 October. BWEA28 attracted over 2,000 people including conference delegates, exhibition staff and visitors, and all the leading players in the wind, wave and tidal sectors.
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Wind energy has now started a major expansion in the UK and will be the single greatest contributor to the Government’s targets for renewables, now set at 20% of total electricity supplies by 2020, representing an investment of up to £16 billion in UK plc.

BWEA and its members showed a stout determination to drive forward change, especially on issues of planning and grid, and, with government backing and the support of three-quarters of the general public, the future is looking promising and much more sustainable.

Proceedings and BWEA29
Conference delegates will be contacted shortly with their individual passwords to access the online conference proceedings, and passwords for non-delegates can be purchased for £49 + VAT. BWEA29 will be organised in October 2007. The exact dates and location will be announced later.{/access}