Floating Power Plant Inc. and Bridgeworks Capital, Oregon, USA have announced the joint creation of a US company, Floating Power Inc., to commercialise the Danish company’s Poseidon Wave/Wind Energy Platform that has successfully demonstrated the capacity to generate both hydraulic power from waves interacting with floats and electricity from wind using turbines mounted on the platform.
The Oregon company holds exclusive rights to Poseidon installations throughout the Americas & U.S. government facilities worldwide. The new company is seeking both funding and strategic partners to build and test a Poseidon module meeting exacting environmental, regulatory and engineering requirements somewhere along the West Coast. As conceived, a Poseidon platform scaled for the Pacific Ocean wave resource is expected to be able to transform 30-35% of the energy in waves into electricity.
The Oregon company holds exclusive rights to Poseidon installations throughout the Americas & U.S. government facilities worldwide. The new company is seeking both funding and strategic partners to build and test a Poseidon module meeting exacting environmental, regulatory and engineering requirements somewhere along the West Coast. As conceived, a Poseidon platform scaled for the Pacific Ocean wave resource is expected to be able to transform 30-35% of the energy in waves into electricity.