The members are:
- Adam Morrison, UK Country Manager at Ocean Winds, has been re-elected to the Board. Adam initially served as a co-opted member of Scottish Renewables’ Board in 2018 before re-joining in 2020 and has served as Chair for the last three years. With two decades of experience across the renewable energy industry, Adam initially worked in the wave and tidal sector before moving into onshore wind and then offshore wind.
- Clare Lavelle, Director of Arup Energy in Scotland, has also been re-elected to the Board. Clare’s focus is on the transition of the energy system, developing projects that cut across industries to enable net-zero, with a particular focus on hydrogen and offshore wind.
- Paul Lennon, Offshore Wind, Hydrogen, and Storage lead at ESB, has been appointed to the Scottish Renewables Board for the first time. Paul has had various leadership roles in the development and construction of onshore wind in Ireland and Scotland, working across ESB’s portfolio.