This 30MW test rig can validate complete powertrain systems for both onshore and offshore wind turbine applications. With a length of sixty meters, the rig will test the dynamic behavior of the main bearings, the gearbox, and the generator on the system level under real conditions with functional load tests, dynamics, and robustness tests. It covers a maximum torque of 45 MNm, a maximum bending moment of 64 MNm, and a maximum axial force of 7 500 kN. The 30 MW test rig will be installed at the Belgian headquarters of ZF Wind Power, home to ZF’s core knowhow in wind gearbox innovation and validation expertise. The installation will be in operation as of 2024.
The test rig will be developed at R&D Test Systems’ headquarters in Denmark. team of 35 full-time engineers have already started work on the test rig. The test rig will be transported as individual modules to Belgium. The project makes use of R&D Test Systems’ in-house software development team which will create tools for the analysis of the test data. Also, part of the project is a crane with a lifting capacity of 300 tons for mounting of test powertrains into the rig.