Texas Company Introduces ISO-e Technology
ISO-e refers to a new design and manufacturing process that is currently being developed at Greenward Technologies, Inc. It was originally conceived as part of an effort to drive down the steel content of the tower and array frame for the company's Wind Turbine Quad Array concept. It has the potential to reduce the steel content of a conventional tower with a specific rating while greatly increasing the tower's survivability in very high winds, and to uprate existing tower designs to a higher power rating. It does this by combining a relatively thin inner steel shell with a much thicker outer jacket of a proprietary concrete–polymer composite. Residual strain energy is shared equally and oppositely between the inner shell and the outer jacket, and the name ‘ISO-e’ refers to this optimal distribution of strain energy.
By Ed Salter, CTO, Chairman, and Co-founder, Greenward Technologies, USA .

By Ed Salter, CTO, Chairman, and Co-founder, Greenward Technologies, USA .