A Large-Scale Solution for Grid Connection of Wind Farms Using Power Transmission Pipelines
Europe's ambitious plans to expand and support renewable energy will lead to large-scale construction of offshore wind turbines. The vast amount of power has to be transmitted with the lowest possible losses and impact on the environment. Power Transmission Pipelines or PTP are one possible way of satisfying these demands and still meeting the necessary bulk-power-transmission requirements. This article focuses on the connection of the wind farms within the German Bight.
By Dipl.-Ing. Markus Siebert, Leibniz?Universität?Hannover, and Dipl.-Geogr. Anja Drews, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Germany .

By Dipl.-Ing. Markus Siebert, Leibniz?Universität?Hannover, and Dipl.-Geogr. Anja Drews, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Germany .