A Global Wind Monitoring and Wind Energy Prediction System
Some characteristics of wind are, unfortunately, still unpredictable, and this is a significant problem in the employment of wind energy. One of the more serious difficulties connected with measurements for wind energy assessment is the source of the data that is being analysed. It is important that a wind report takes into account which data is being represented, where this data comes from, how weather stations were calibrated, how maintenance and control are carried out, how the data was transmitted, gathered and stored, and how it is represented. The four-year old Aeolus Project has developed software oriented towards wind energy technical survey and its industrial development.
By Eric Spinadel, Alejandro J. Gesino and Luis Mariano Faiella, Argentine Wind Energy Association
By Eric Spinadel, Alejandro J. Gesino and Luis Mariano Faiella, Argentine Wind Energy Association