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Are we, as an industry, getting closer to eliminating the need for mobile cranes entirely? The market for the installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbines continues to grow globally. So does installed wind energy generation capacity, and the need to rethink processes and technologies across the industry persists if we are to continually optimise operations.
By Thomas Lamberth Sandbjerg, Liftra, Denmark
Spain’s wind market may finally be on the up again. Recent government auctions for renewable energy projects offer hope to a devastated sector following brutal retroactive subsidy cuts in 2012. However, regaining the trust of investors and developers, still smarting from the cuts, will not be easy.
By Adam Barber, Managing Director, The Tamarindo Group
Are technical expertise and knowledge necessary to achieve operational excellence on a wind energy project? Yes, indeed they are critical! But are they sufficient? No! When the project takes a wrong turn is it really the result of a technical issue or a lack of professional training? In most cases, both the problem and the solution lie elsewhere.
By Thierry Nicloux, Certified Business Coach at Muse coaching, France
Wind energy has been part of the race for the big money for quite some time now. There is nothing wrong with that. We need scaling up and reduction of costs. We need to reach sustainability goals. However, there is the other side of the coin as well. Scaling up to megawatt class turbines means wind energy is now affordable for urbanised areas in the world. But 90% of the Earth’s land surface is and remains rural with either no electricity grid or one that is so weak that it cannot support megawatt wind turbines. Some urbanised areas need local generation of electricity with smaller wind turbines as well. Small and medium wind turbines may also find their way to the market like bicycles in mobility. Even dekawatt wind turbines have a market in the areas of wireless sensors and telemetry. However, at fairs like HUSUMWind only a few of the 400 small and medium wind turbine manufacturers tend to be present.
By Frits Ogg, Renewable Energy Consultant, The Netherlands
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