Eurelectric has released a new data application that gives access to key parameters of Europe’s power sector. The application, – known as ELDA, short for electricity data – provides information about electricity generation demand, prices, capacity, CO2 emissions, and cross-border flows in timeframes and geographies specified by the user.
Eurelectric’s new data platform, now freely accessible online, is based on an in-house data aggregation program compiled from the ENTSO-E transparency platform, Eurostat, official EU statistics, and verified data from the UK. Drawing on a multi-source database with over 17 million data points per year, Elda is updated daily with the latest trends from the sector. Beyond its user-friendly design, what makes Elda unique is the possibility to download every number and graph on an hourly, daily, monthly and yearly timeframe ready for direct use. The data can be further augmented by zooming in on a particular European country - including EU neighbours - and by sorting the type of energy by fuel. The application is accessible here: