3B-the fibreglass company has announced the introduction of a renewed range of reinforcements each designed for specific resin systems and engineered to provide optimum performances for the manufacture of wind turbine blades.
The first product in the series to be revealed is Advantex SE2020 a new single-end roving specifically engineered for epoxy polymer systems utilised in resin infusion or prepreg processes. Compared to conventional materials in the market place, 3B’s new Advantex SE2020 roving for epoxy resin systems offers better wet out therefore providing a more consistent laminate quality, an improved resin matrix adhesion which delivers higher shear strength, and substantially greater interfibre strength. Advantex® SE2020 roving has been designed specifically for epoxy resin applications in the wind energy market.
The first product in the series to be revealed is Advantex SE2020 a new single-end roving specifically engineered for epoxy polymer systems utilised in resin infusion or prepreg processes. Compared to conventional materials in the market place, 3B’s new Advantex SE2020 roving for epoxy resin systems offers better wet out therefore providing a more consistent laminate quality, an improved resin matrix adhesion which delivers higher shear strength, and substantially greater interfibre strength. Advantex® SE2020 roving has been designed specifically for epoxy resin applications in the wind energy market.