Barge Master has announced the launch of their motion compensated gangway. The model 3.0 compensates vessel motions in significant wave heights (Hs) up to 3 meters by actively telescoping, slewing and luffing the bridge.
Tip compensation allows for landing on any type of offshore facility, without modification of the landing area. The standard pedestal interface is easily mobilized on any type of vessel. It is designed to be compact with a small, lightweight footprint and low power consumption. Built-in safety features like redundancy of all critical components and intuitive operator control allow it to be operated safely by a single operator. The model 4.5 is based on the model 3.0 with the motion compensated pedestal module added, offering an increased workability to an extraordinary Hs=4.5m. This model can be placed at any location on the deck while maintaining performance. Another feature for both models is the integrated lifting winch for cargo transfer up to 1.000kg that has Barge Master’s patented onboard lifting mode built in. More modules are available like a height adjustable pedestal, two bridge lengths and several access options.