Mainstream Renewable Power has fully energised its 571MW Cóndor portfolio, the first phase of the company’s 1.35 GW Andes Renovables wind and solar power generation platform in Chile.
Once the Cóndor portfolio reaches full generation, expected during the second half of 2021, it will supply more than 680,000 Chilean households with 100% renewable energy. The portfolio comprises three wind farms and one solar farm in the regions of Antofagasta, Atacama and Biobío. The Cóndor portfolio is the first of three that makes up Mainstream’s Andes Renovables platform in Chile, which covers seven wind and three solar PV generation assets, representing an investment of approximately $1.8 billion and an installed capacity of more than 1.35 GW of clean energy. The second stage, Huemul (630 MW), reached financial close in September 2020, and the final stage, Copihue (148.5 MW), reached financial close on 30 June 2021.