- Category: Articles
A Case Study in the Nordic Countries
The drawbacks of wind power from the power system point of view are its variability and unpredictability. However, these problems are greatly reduced when wind power is connected to larger power systems as these can take advantage of the natural diversity in variable sources. A large geographical spread of wind power will reduce variability, increase predictability and decrease the occasions with near zero or peak output. In this article, the situation in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) is described.
By Hannele Holttinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Category: Articles
Modern Solutions for an Age-Old Problem

By René Lok, Contributing Editor, Windtech International
- Category: Articles
The Future of Offshore Wind?

By Douglas Spriggs Selsam, President Selsam Innovations, USA
- Category: Articles
A Tool for Monitoring White-Fronted Goose Movements

By Richard Walls and Mark Parnel, Bird Management Unit, Central Science Laboratory (CSL), UK
- Category: Articles
Their Use in Key Areas of Turbine Operation
In order to achieve their design potential as credible alternative providers of energy, wind turbine systems have to employ highly efficient, reliable and robust components. Among the most important of these components are gearboxes; in particular, planetary gearboxes. One of the manufacturers of planetary gearboxes is Brevini. This article describes the company’s activities within this field.
By Luca Bortolani, Technical Communication and Web Marketing Manager, Brevini Riduttori, Italy

By Luca Bortolani, Technical Communication and Web Marketing Manager, Brevini Riduttori, Italy
- Category: Articles
Targets and Benefits
Time and cost benefits can be achieved by the imaginative use of a broad range of services for geotechnical and geophysical data gathering for offshore wind farm sites. Today, there is a comprehensive range of services available to acquire engineering data for the planning, installation and post-construction monitoring of offshore wind farm structures. Applied systematically, each stage of investigation will add to the understanding of the ground model for the site and will help to fine-tune and target the requirements for any subsequent investigations.
By Tony Hodgson, Project Manager, Fugro Engineering Services and Ed Cookson, Heathrow Communications, UK

By Tony Hodgson, Project Manager, Fugro Engineering Services and Ed Cookson, Heathrow Communications, UK
- Wind-Diesel Systems in Developing Countries
- The HiMast Development Programme
- Measuring Offshore Wind Vectors from Space
- Wind Energy Resource Map of State of Paraná, Brazil
- Optimising Wind Energy Capture
- Safety and Fire Behaviour
- Improving Bankability of Wind Power Projects
- Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
- Wind Speed at Light Speed
- New Zealand’s Winds Harnessed
- Offshore Wind Farm Construction
- Comparing Models for Energy Output Estimation
- Sensors for Today’s Turbines
- Lubricant and Debris Analysis for Wind Turbines
- Electrical Transmission System for Offshore Wind Farms
- Carbon Credits and Wind Power
- Wind Energy Condition-Based Monitoring
- Offshore Wind Energy and UK Law
- Next-Generation Capacitors
- Scira Offshore Energy
- An Integrated Monitoring System for Offshore Wind Farms