- Category: Publishers Note
Solving the Storage Problem …
The wind energy business is becoming more and more an international industry. Europe, the USA and India are the driving forces, but other nations are also becoming active in this field. One of the biggest growth markets seems to be China. The Chinese government’s initial target is for wind power generation to reach 4,000MW by 2010. By 2020, up to 12% of China’s electricity could come from renewable sources. Over the past years, the international wind power capacity has continued to grow at an average cumulative rate of 29%. According to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the future prospects of the global wind industry are very promising: even on a conventional scenario the total wind power installed worldwide could quadruple from 40GW in 2003 to 160GW by 2012.
- Category: Publishers Note
Setting Goals …
The year 2006 started with a battle between Russia and Ukraine about supplying gas to the latter. Whatever the reason, and without taking a position on who is right or wrong, the dispute showed the dependency of the international energy market on countries that possess fossil fuels such as gas. Because of the conflict, Russia decreased the amount of gas sent to Ukraine, an important hub for the distribution of gas to Western Europe, and several countries suffered problems due to halving of the gas supply. Such situations could be an opportunity to get renewable energy higher on the international political agenda, although our industry still faces the opinion that the majority of consumers are not willing to pay more for renewable energy compared to fossil energy. There are two main goals I would say: increase the public awareness of renewable energy’s importance and make sure that it becomes competitive!
- Category: Publishers Note
A Successful First Year…
We all know how devastating hurricanes and typhoons can be. The disaster in the southern states of the USA earlier this year clearly pointed that out. There are wind farms built in regions that have to risk encounters with these kinds of weather systems.
- Category: Publishers Note
News from Husum…
The biannual event HUSUMwind took place from 20 to 24 September. With over 500 exhibitors from 26 countries this show has a prominent position on the events calendar for our industry. Many companies launch their new products and announce their latest news at the show. If you want to stay up to date you need to go to Husum.
- Category: Publishers Note
Results of the Reader Survey
As you maybe know, we recently conducted a reader survey and the results show that Windtech International is succeeding in its goals. Of our respondents, 67% regard the quality of the magazine as excellent or good and 27% as satisfying. Only 5% see room for improvement. On average, the magazine is read by 3.1 persons within each organisation. This means that Windtech International reaches around 12,000 people in the industry. I would like to thank all participants for helping us to continue to improve our magazine and I welcome your suggestions.
- Category: Publishers Note
Comparison of Products….
In this issue of Windtech International we introduce a new item called Product Survey. This is a technical product overview of equipment, instruments, hardware systems and software. We will be inviting manufacturers or distributors to participate by describing their products for comparison and further information. It is our goal to present a comprehensive overview of products available on the market in a certain category. For this issue we contacted vendors of SCADA systems. All participants answered a questionnaire and we present the results in columns next to each other, which makes it easy for you to compare the different systems. Unfortunately, not all companies invited were able to participate at this time. For instance, REpower is currently developing a new system and our survey came too early. The system will be branded REguard and they are planning a first presentation in September during HusumWind 2005. Also, Suzlon Energy is currently working on a new system and was not able to reveal details at this stage. It is our intention to publish more Product Surveys during the year about different topics. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for these Product Surveys. We trust that this new item is a valuable information source for our industry.
- Category: Publishers Note
Establishing a Better Publisher–Reader Relationship
Since November 2004 Windtech International has successfully published four issues. From the start we have been overwhelmed with the warm and positive response to our initiative. However, our editorial team is always trying to enhance the level of service to our readers. At present, we are carrying out a reader survey in order to establish a better publisher–reader relationship, which will help us raise the quality and value of the magazine even further. If you did not receive our email and you are interested in participating in our survey please go to www.windtech-international.com/content/view/133. We very much appreciate your help in filling out our questionnaire and thank you in advance.