On 26 February, the European Commission introduced the Clean Industrial Deal, outlining its strategy for competitiveness and energy security while strengthening Europe's clean technology manufacturing sectors. In response, WindEurope launched Wind Works for Europe, a campaign showcasing the companies and people driving the expansion of Europe’s wind energy supply chain.
The campaign highlights the economic benefits of European wind energy production. The industry currently contributes €52 billion to the European Union’s gross domestic product and employs 370,000 people, with this figure expected to grow to 550,000 by 2030. Each wind turbine manufactured in Europe generates €16 million in economic activity.
Wind Works for Europe emphasises that low wind energy installation rates are not due to manufacturing constraints. The European wind energy supply chain is capable of producing the 140 gigawatts of new wind capacity expected between 2025 and 2030, with further expansion planned. If wind deployment continues through the 2030s, wind energy output could nearly quadruple, reaching 1,830 terawatt-hours by 2040.
The main challenges slowing wind energy installations are permitting delays, slow grid development, and insufficient electrification. Wind Works for Europe examines these issues in detail, offering insights into different segments of the supply chain. Each episode of the campaign focuses on a new investment in European wind energy infrastructure, from blades and towers to substations and cables.
The campaign is available on a dedicated website and WindEurope’s Windflix channel.