- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
RenewableUK and Solar Energy UK have teamed up to present a virtual event series designed to bring together buyers and sellers of clean energy to explore opportunities, learn how to remove barriers to procurement and establish robust cases for long-term investment in power purchase agreements.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
The wind energy innovation cluster WAB e.V. and its Scottish counterpart DeepWind North of Scotland Cluster are deepening their cooperation with the 17th WINDFORCE Conference on 5 and 6 October in Bremerhaven, Germany: Scotland is this year’s partner country of the international offshore wind industry conference.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
If renewable energy is to dominate the energy system by 2030, it will be the result of cutting-edge technologies, services and market development. To explore how we might achieve all this, RenewableUK is running a webinar series – Future Systems 2021.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
The special topic of this year's Husum Wind from 14-17 September 2021 will be wind hydrogen. A growing hydrogen economy is developing in Europe and the UK and wind energy, and especially offshore wind, is the central driver for this.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
RenewableUK has evolved its wind and aviation event into a webinar series this year supported by partners AIFCL, OWIC, Thales and Vattenfall.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
To support the development of wind farms, turbines and structures, it’s important that UK ports and vessels evolve at the same pace. This requires communication and collaboration across the entire value chain, which RenewableUK aims to encourage with its latest webinar series.
- SUT launches introductory virtual offshore wind course
- #WWEAwebinar: Small wind workshop on regulatory frameworks
- 19th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2021
- WindEurope brings the latest in wind energy to a screen near you
- 3rd World Community Power Conference WCPC2020 “Women in Community Energy”
- WindEnergy Hamburg 2020 goes digital
- #WWEAwebinar: Education and training for wind power and renewable energy
- EERA JP Wind and SETWind Online Annual Event
- Marine-i spearheads innovation in marine energy for smart grids
- #WWEAwebinar: Renewable Transportation: Aviation and Shipping
- #WWEAwebinar: The Role of Hydrogen in a Renewable Economy
- EoLIS 2020 is now a fully online event
- WindEurope hosts first fully online Technology Workshop
- WWEAwebinar: Achieving energy self-sufficiency with a small wind turbine
- WindEnergy Hamburg to take place from 1 to 4 December 2020
- WWEA presents: wind power markets around the world
- Cleanpower 2020 canceled due to COVID-19
- WAB postpones Windforce Conference to September
- Business Network announces schedule for IPF Virtual
- All-Energy and Dcarbonise 2020 postponed until 14-15 September
- New dates for IPF offshore wind conference
- Windergy India 2020 postponed due to COVID-19
- New dates announced for Global Offshore Wind Energy Summit Taiwan 2020
- 3rd International Conference on Small- and Medium Wind Energy
- Wind is the answer to climate change challenges
- Free product training for corrosion protection on wind turbines
- WFO and Asia Wind Energy Association to organise the Annual Asia Offshore Wind Supply Chain Conference
- 3M product training for wind energy customers in January 2020 in Germany
- The 18th edition WWEC2019 brings speakers from over 20 different countries to Brazil
- WWEA Annual Conference offers 100 € discount on registration until 20 October