Nordex has installed the world’s tallest wind turbine to date in Hausbay, Germany. With a hub height of 164 metres and a rotor length of 65.5 metres, the N131/3300 wind turbine reaches a total height of just under 230 metres.
Located roughly 100 kilometres west of Frankfurt/Main, the “Hausbay-Bickenbach” wind park has been developed by Kreuzberger & Spengler Regenerative Energie from Dunningen-Seedorf. The 164-metre hybrid tower is made of a 100-metre concrete tower and two tubular steel tower segments. Type testing for the N131/3300 with a hub height of 164 metres was completed in January of this year. Noise emission and measurement reports for the 3 MW and the 3.3 MM version of the N131 are also available.