Enercon has realised the Soma and Karaburun wind farms in Turkey with a combined capacity of. 564.1MW. A total of 181 wind turbines were installed in the Soma wind farm, made up of 89 E-44, 80 E-70 and, 12 E-126 EP3 wind turbines.
The wind farm output equals 312.1MW. The rotor blades, towers and foundation baskets were manufactured in Turkey, while the rest of the components were supplied from Germany. The Soma IV project is owned by Polat Enerji.
For the Karaburun wind farm, Enercon has installed 83 wind turbines with a nominal power of 252MW. The wind farm consists of 30 E-82 E2, 20 E-82 E4 and 11 E-126 EP3 wind turbines with tubular steel towers (86 metres) and 22 E-126 EP3 wind turbines with tubular steel towers (116 metres). The wind turbines components were mainly produced in Germany and Portugal.