Ocean Winds, a joint-venture between EDP Renewables and ENGIE, and Banque des Territoires have announced their joint participation to the AO7 South Atlantic tender in France, featuring 1 GW bottom fixed capacity.
Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires have currently three joint offshore wind projects under construction: the "Dieppe Le Tréport" and "Îles d'Yeu and Noirmoutier" bottom fixed offshore wind farms, and the "Éoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion" (EFGL) floating wind pilot project. The partners also participate into the French AO6 tender. The partnership between Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires is exclusive for a joint response to the AO7 South Atlantic tender launched by the State in Decemb er 2022, which is expected to be awarded in 2024