After 25 years of service, the wind turbines of the Irene Vorrink Wind Farm, one of Vattenfall’s oldest wind farms in the Netherlands, will be dismantled. All parts of the wind turbines will also be recycled where possible.
The 28 wind turbines of the wind farm are now in the water along the IJsselmeerdijk north of Lelystad on Lake IJssel (IJsselmeer). For reasons of dike safety, no longer permitted is the construction of much larger wind turbines so close to the dike. It is therefore not possible to rebuild the turbines in the same location. In place of the current 28 wind turbines with a total capacity of 16.8MW, Vattenfall and SwifterwinT will erect two rows of 12 wind turbines with a total capacity of 132MW, located 500 and 1500 metres further into the IJsselmeer. Of these turbines, 14 will be owned by Vattenfall and 10 by SwifterwinT. The 24 new wind turbines in the IJsselmeer are part of the Windplanblauw project, which is being jointly developed by Vattenfall and the SwifterwinT wind cooperative in the north-western corner of the Province of Flevoland.The existing 74 onshore and offshore wind turbines will be replaced by 61 larger turbines with more power. Windplanblauw is expected to be operational by 2023.