Watson Farley & Williams (WFW) has advised an international consortium comprising Commerz Real, Ingka Investments and KGAL on their joint indirect acquisition of the remaining 20% stake in the Veja Mate offshore wind farm from Siemens Financial Services.
Located circa 95 km northwest of the island of Borkum in the North Sea, Veja Mate has a total installed capacity of 402MW and it comprises 67 Siemens wind turbine generators of 6 MW each and has been operational since 2017. In 2019, a consortium consisting of Commerz Real, Ingka Investments and KGAL together with ALH Group (with ALH Group being advised by investment advisor wpd Invest) had already, also indirectly, acquired 80% of the shares in VMOP. With completion of this final acquisition, the consortium’s joint venture company VM Offshore Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (VMOB) now holds 100% of the shares in VMOP.