Ecofys is working on a project set up by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in the USA. The project will demonstrate controllable end-use loads with energy storage. To achieve this in the residential and small commercial sector, water heaters and space heaters will be implemented. In the industrial sector, cold storage warehouses are included.
The pilot projects will prove that such loads can be utilised to provide balancing services to the grid operator and localised benefits to the load-serving utilities. Within this project several pilot projects will be set up in close cooperation with a number of stakeholders. Publicly-owned, load-serving utilities, end-users (both commercial entities and consumers), suppliers of load-balancing and end-use control technologies, the renewable energy industry and technical experts will all work together. In the role as project manager Ecofys is responsible for the formation of the consortium for this project and the application for subsidy.
The pilot projects will prove that such loads can be utilised to provide balancing services to the grid operator and localised benefits to the load-serving utilities. Within this project several pilot projects will be set up in close cooperation with a number of stakeholders. Publicly-owned, load-serving utilities, end-users (both commercial entities and consumers), suppliers of load-balancing and end-use control technologies, the renewable energy industry and technical experts will all work together. In the role as project manager Ecofys is responsible for the formation of the consortium for this project and the application for subsidy.