DNV has signed a contract to certify the high voltage direct current (HVDC) DolWin beta transformer station offshore Germany. This includes certifying the design phase, construction, fabrication, transport and commissioning of the station.
DolWin beta will be built as part of a large offshore wind farm cluster in the German sector, approximately 45 km off the German coast in the North Sea. It will receive alternating current from wind farms and convert it into direct current before transmission via subsea cables. The platform on which the station is located is the size of a football field and will stand on the seabed at a depth of about 30 metres. According to the existing plans, DolWin beta will be towed out and installed on the DolWin field in the summer of 2014. The station will have a capacity of 900 MW and can receive electricity from several wind farm.
DolWin beta will be built as part of a large offshore wind farm cluster in the German sector, approximately 45 km off the German coast in the North Sea. It will receive alternating current from wind farms and convert it into direct current before transmission via subsea cables. The platform on which the station is located is the size of a football field and will stand on the seabed at a depth of about 30 metres. According to the existing plans, DolWin beta will be towed out and installed on the DolWin field in the summer of 2014. The station will have a capacity of 900 MW and can receive electricity from several wind farm.